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Coco Collection opens Turtle Rescue Centre

Under the official partnership between Coco Collection and the Olive Ridley Project, the first Turtle Rescue Centre is open at Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu with a resident Veterinary Surgeon heading the centre. On the 6 February 2017 In January 2015, Coco Collection announced the official and exclusive partnership with the Olive Ridley Project to setup turtle centres and jointly reduce the effect of ghost nets on marine life. On 2 February 2017, Coco Collection celebrated the opening of the first Turtle Rescue Centre at Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu.

The Olive Ridley Project was set up to work towards protecting sea turtles and their habitats. Apart from actively removing ghost nets that pose a serious threat to sea turtles, they compile data identifying types of nets and fishing methods being used to figure out why so many nets are drifting in the Indian Ocean. 

Mohamed Didi, Coco Collection’s Chief Engineer, has created a completely automated system regulating water flow at the centre, and allow for preprogrammed procedures to run the entire system. To date, the centre has received three turtle patients, with a few more waiting to be transported to the centre soon under the care of Dr. Claire Petros, the Veterinary Surgeon heading the operations of the centre. In terms of engaging with the local community for awareness programs, Dr. Petros will be working with school children at the neighbouring islands involving field visits to teach courses on turtle husbandry, ecology and medicine. Together with the marine conversation programs, Coco Collection is constantly working with the community to raise awareness on knowledge concerning good environmental practices, useful in everyday life. Similar initiatives will take place in Coco Bodu Hithi at a later stage of this collaboration. This is a unique and valuable aspect of Coco Collection, it is also an extremely interesting and fulfilling activity to get involved with when on holiday in this spectacular region. 

If you would like to hear more about this gorgeous destination or to book a holiday to Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu, or any of the other Coco Collection properties please contact us on 01 431 9700.


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